As You Like It

As You Like It

As You Like It I was very pleased to be offered the role of Celia in a production of William Shakespeare’s ‘As You Like It’ being presented by Civil Brawl Theatre Company in 2017. It was very exciting to work on this in the town of...
Aerial Silks – West Midlands Vegan Festival

Aerial Silks – West Midlands Vegan Festival

Aerial Silks – West Midlands Vegan Festival For several years I’d been building up to begin performing aerial to a professional standard. In 2014, I performed my first freelance aerial silks solo performances for the crowds of the annual West Midlands...
If Only I Could

If Only I Could

If Only I Could Summer 2012 began with a crossroads in my life. I’d made the decision to be freelance as a performer/ model and I’d upped and decided to move into the centre of Birmingham, quit my current job, without one waiting ahead of me, and was taking a real...